Tuesday 10 April 2012

Information Technology and Ethical Issues

This post relates to information technology/ information communications technology (IT/ICT). I will be exploring Information Communication Technology and the ethical issues surrounding its use.Information technology is described by Bouwmann, Van Den Loofe and Van de Wijngaert (2005) as a merging of telecommunication and computor techonologies, which has radically altered the way people live and work. Information technology communication or (ICT) is an “umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning” ( Search CIO- Midmarket, 2012). 

So ICT includes technology devices such as computors and the applications or programmes that the computors may use. This type of technology aids and allows a user to connect with their audience, such as facebook, moodle and skype (yippee!). These types of technologies have become like second nature in todays society, especially for those raised in the information age; the dreaded generation Y’s. Today life without technologies such as cellphones and personal laptops- and all that the internet and online sites entail surely seems unthinkable in todays world.

Check out this you tube video by Michael Welsh:

So how has this type of formatting influenced the web as we know it today? Well it has changed the way we access the web and ultimately how we communicate through it. Take facebook for example. It is an open platform that uses XML, which allows 3rd parties, like you and me, to add to it. We are now active participators in further developement of the web. If you type your name into google, what happens? Well when I typed my name in, I found this blog, my facebook account, skype account etc. These are all created and used by myself, my contributions to the world wide web!

In regards to these types of technologies and their use, I feel fairly comfortable with using them. I grew up without television and computors, but it has worked its way into my everyday life over the last ten years. With the creation of google and promotion of computors both home and personal laptops, email and word processing; and now today facebook, skype, cell phones and you tube, I would say that their use is now well and truly ingrained in my daily existence. 

Last night I had my first 4-way, nn skype that is! Skype allowed three of my friends and I to connect over a "conference call" complete with video. I dont think the four of us have been "together" in a conversation like that coming up 9 years. My family and I also use skype to keep in touch with my partners family in Canada, allowing my daughter to maintain contact with her Grandparents. Pretty special.

Other information technolgies that I use include internet banking, weather online, emails, trademe, news online – such as the herald, and moodle- which is our polytech's online access suite. I think that I am comfortable using these technologies because I use them in my own space and in my own time. But the need to use my laptop and cellphone have increased in todays 'technology age'. Its expected that I am contactable via cell phone, and it is necessary to use my personal computer study, without out it....where would I be!?

The use of these technologies also allows me to more easily manage my time, and to conveniently manage my life. Instead of having to visit a friend, a store or a bank, we can now use cellphones and the internet without having to go anywhere. But is this always a good thing? Sometimes im not so sure. There seem to be many positive benefits of accessing communication technology, but also many disadvantages. Technology causes us to be far less personable, highly anti social and even lazy. When we used to write a letter, we now email; where we used to call and speak to a friend, we now text; we used to visit the bank, we now use online banking. ( And what about losing your work on the computor!). On one side I can see us losing contact with the "real world" through the use of technology, and the other I see the opportunities and benefits that it allows us. But without a doubt technology and its continual development is the way of the future. 

There is the issue of confidentiality, and the risk of losing or having others gain access to personal financial information, such as credit card details; privacy issues through using social media, such as facebook; the risk of computor viruses that have the potential to shutdown computors, take personal information and, to cause MAJOR STRESS!!! 

Today many people use these technologies to meet people, such as online dating. For me, this is taking it too far, but for many it really is a reality. When do I use ICT to engage in purposeful activity?, well, surprisingly far more than I would have thought , until I was really honest with myself! Sometimes I use you tube to find dance routines/ work out routines, even cooking recipes. Lately I have been using you tube to watch “surf lessons” so that I can hopefully make the most of the Dunedin surf while Im here. Using email and facebook, there are many times I have made plans, organised holidays, enquired about rental properties, jobs etc. 

Now for ICT in OT!!!! I have now participated in two feildwork placements since studying towards my OT degree. In my first placement, based in a community rehabilitation clinic for over 65’s. ISOFT database technology at the Dunedin hospital was used to store client information on is probably one of the most important pieces of communication technology that I can identify; also the use of pagers and cellphones to call staff and clients; and google maps- used to locate some of those tricky addresses around Dunedin. ISOFT was a highly important and useful tool that allowed health practioners to access health record information on clients. For clients the use of cellphones to remind of appointments was an important piece of technology being used, as well as skype and networking media, used for support, and for seeking information.I believe that IT will help in OT practice and in daily life, to enable the engagement in occupation. But I think that being aware of the implications of using these ever developing technologies is a must. Being aware of the risks that exist and making good decisions about how technology is used. This could be done by not disclosing credit card details online; installing reliable anti malware and antispy ware on personal computors; being careful about what images are uploaded online, remembering that it is very difficult to remove these items down the road.

Sooo the ethical considerations that can arise through capturing, sharing and transfering information via devices and systems. Well there are the issues around Intellectual Property, and using others ideas as your own; Informed Consent, have they agreed to be used in your research?; Greased Data; Storage and Access, who can see the information? Problems have arisin from leaked private information- just think about the recent issues with ACC and Nick Smith! Also Google Earth, and how the pictures are taken- and what the pictures show. No informed consent there!

I will finish this entry with Michael Walsh's statement from his youtube video. 
"We will need to rethink a few things/ copyright/ authorship/ identity/ ethics/ aesthetics/ rhetoric's/ governance/ privacy/ commerce/ love/ family/ ourselves" (Youtube, 2007).



Bouwmann, H., Van Den Loofe, B., Van de Wjngaert, L. (2005). Information and communication technology in organisations. London: Sage Publications

Schuehammer, J.(2000). Accessibility, separating form and content. Retrieved from http://www.w3.org/2000/10/DIAWorkshop/accesssep.html

Searchcio-Midmarket (2012). ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies)Retreieved from http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/definition/ICT

Wikipedia (2012). XML. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML

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